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Bleeding Gums

Do your own bad breath cause friends and loved ones to turn their heads when you speak? Do you find your gums frequently bleeding after cleaning and flossing your teeth? Or notice swollen gums periodically? 


Here is the problem, while you are asleep or after a meal plaque forms a layer on your teeth. Plaque is a colorless sticky layer of harmful bacteria and food residue.


Bad breath is one of the most distressing conditions to have to live with, and the worst is knowing that you are distressing others too. It affects relationships, social life, friendships, and even climbing the corporate ladder!

Not everyone will have the honesty to tell you about it either, and unless you are sharp enough to sniff it out yourself, you could be one of the most unpopular people in your circle, and wonder why.


The truth is you don't need a counselor to teach you how to win confidence and build friendships you just need a dentist. Actually, you need an ongoing association with a dentist you can trust to clear your oral and dental health problems, as well as help you put an excellent care system in place.


The safe and gentle treatment you can expect at A Healthy Smile Dental will make a visit to the dentist a happy adventure, rather than a horror story waiting to happen. It does make a lot of sense to serve notice on those illegally squatting bacteria in your mouth as fast as you can. 


After all, there's little you can do in life with a closed mouth! So the tender loving care that will be lavished by the A Healthy Smile Dental team on your oral cavity will leave you and your mouth feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and renewed. In fact you will feel ready to take on the world again, odorless and free! 

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